A documentary that contrasts tattooing practices with psychological humanistic therapy exploring the experience of 24-year-old tattoo artist Kris Hershel and her perspective on tattooing sessions at her own shop, Evermore Tattoo Studio Located in Orlando, Florida.
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do you Want to know a Little bit more about the process of this documentary?
keep Scrolling! 
It all started with a Short Ethnography Research I conducted in July 2021 where I observed a pattern that lead me to the Concept, Here is how the Idea Looked on paper 
After crafting the idea, I began the casting process where I found a young talented tattoo artist based in Orlando, Florida. 
Kris hershel 
Check out Kris's art here>>
Though Kris I was able to meet the rest of the fantastic cast:
-Logan Harper
-Hanna Janecrist
-Phillip Estrada
After contacting the cast, I carefully crafted different set of questions for each of the interviews.
Check out Logan's Art here>>
Next Step was getting the crew together...
Lucky enough I worked with very talented artists that connected with the story and the concept.
Emmanuel Gallegos  Director of Photography
Simbai MAKWIRAnZOU  Sound Designer
Gabriel Mercado   GFX
the production stage aproximately 1 month and a half  to get all the interview and two tattoo sessions.

Additionally, the last shots taken were the ink closeups after the documentary was already edited. 
if you would like to see the still photography throughout the production stage click here >>
Post Production
Post-production was super important here! don't forget that I separately asked questions to each one of the cast, hoping their stories would connect in the way I imagine they would And boom! Their stories were honest and powerful, I'm truly grateful for their trust... 
After the story was told and the picture locked I sent it to Simbai who create the most beautiful sound design with his own music. in the meantime Emmanuel and I shot some creative shots with ink on water in order to make it more immersive. 
It all worked out!
a lot to figure out here! First time getting my own work into festivals. The good thing is that ink therapy is already out there and so far it has four awards. 
Also, they offered me to be on XERB.tv streaming platform here is the link if you would like to check it out 
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